The media seem to think that it's between us and Wigan, but the media are a fickle bunch. Actually they are one of the reasons why supporters are more restless these days; it sells papers and drives traffic. Ironically, the clubs support them but also complain when we raise our voice.
My point; the media know less than us and if Liverpool and Norwich win today and we beat Sunderland on Monday, there will be four of us six points ahead of Wigan. That is if Wigan get beaten by Liverpool, but that result hardly matters.
The most important match of this weekend actually takes place on Monday night. It doesn't matter what happens in the other matches, although at 3pm I will be supporting Spurs and Norwich and this evening I will become a Liverpool fan, it matters only what happens on Monday.
Aston Villa must beat Sunderland
In my book, we need three more points just to get us to the last game of the season needing to beat Wigan, so if we get that on Monday, it gives us more chance of picking up another three points, therefore in my little mind, not needing to get anything against Wigan on the final day.
We can not let this drag on and we have to be clinical on Monday. We have to now start picking up the wins and there is a reason why Sunderland are only three points ahead of us and a reason why they could just as easily go down too, so this is a match we have to look to win.
And I know Di Canio has them on a two match winning streak, but mark my words; Di Canio wont last in the Premier League. Right now he has them playing with renewed optimism. That will one day wear off and then what will he have? My prediction, is not much in the Premier League.
And you all know that, apart from maybe my view of Di Canio, so it's probably best I leave the telling you what you already know, because I don't mean to do that. I will say this; Sunderland are where they are because of O'Neill, but I'd have O'Neill over Di Canio and they've got a very solid starting elven and squad, so it isn't going to be easy.
The key factor for Monday night will be the support. But I have a feeling they will play their role to perfection and they'll be the extra yard or extra second needed.
The reference to other club nicknames in the title of this post is not meant to be derogatory. In fact, I asked supporters from each club if I was right in using these terms. Red is for Liverpool, Canary is for Norwich and Yid is for Spurs, just in case you didn't know. And if anyone wants to call me up on using the term Yid to represent Spurs, the way I see it, if it is recognised on Google as a reference to Spurs and if there is a group of supporters that call themselves Yid Army, they it's okay with me.