So, what to write? I could start with the obvious, but nobody wants to read that so I'll leave it alone. Or I could point you to our Aston Villa's Greatest section and by doing that I should also mention if you've not read all the posts, now is probably a good time to jump in, there are some fantastic posts there well worth a read.
And those posts are twelve years old and that got me to thinking, you see they are some of the oldest posts on the blog and even if I say so, some of the best posts. And I didn't write them.
And one day, I hope we get to write one about Jack Grealish. I'd even quite like to see one there for John McGinn or Tyrone Mings. And everything is set up for them to one day have a post like one of those written. And someone has to write them, because if it's not written it will be forgotten. And all those players in that section deserve many more posts.
And that is where the thinking started. With nothing about our Club to write about that isn't made up, I thought I'd tell you about an Aston Villa memory. I'm not saying it's my favourite or even the best moment supporting the Club, but it's one that always puts a smile on my face. And I thought maybe you could leave some in the comments below.
Because these things need to be written and shared, or they will be forgotten. And it can be anything. It can be the train or bus ride, it can be walking to the ground or even that superstition performed on match day. And like I said, it doesn't have to be anything other than a memory. That mine puts a smile on my face, is just because I want to share that one.
I could share quite a few that didn't put a smile on my face that I still sometimes think about. But I think we all might need a smile about now. So here goes.
When Aston Villa played Manchester United in the League Cup Final I didn't get a ticket. I don't think I was actually that interested in getting one either. I was living just North of London and I was young. I was more interested in having my weekends with mates and none of them were Aston Villa fans.
Anyway, I woke as I normally did on weekends, late and probably hungover. I might have even woke with someone, I don't remember. I just remember thinking I had to watch the game. And it was wonderful. The match is below for those that want a refresher and don't forget when you start to watch, Manchester United were expected to win. They started with Bruce and Pallister, Keane, Ince, Giggs, Hughes and Cantona.
But back then, anything was really possible in football. And all I seem to remember about the match was that Cantona didn't show up. It was almost as if we just let him do whatever he wanted to do and without any pressure on him, it never really clicked for him.
That I ended up in a pub with lots of Manchester United fans later that day and I had to stay very quiet while they were drowning their sorrows, made it even better.
I have more, some that still make me mad, one that triggered me starting this blog. Probably more that make me smile than sad too. I think that's nice. And I'd like more with Jack Grealish and not just players from 15 or 20 years ago. But I think they will come. Or I hope.
So, not writing about the obvious, this is just a post because it was such a long time since the last one. Tell me yours.