Everton, ticket prices and protests

I've written this post a few times but never published it because it was essentially about ticket prices. And on that, I've shared my views on Twitter, but writing a post here is a little more important that a drunken tweet. Hence the reluctance.

But with proper football back on Saturday, there is a reason to write a post. But there are a few things to cover. And rather than try to weave them together, I'm going to go old school.

Champions League ticket pricing

I'm not sure if the fuss / outrage has calmed down or not, but I'm on the side of the fence that is if people are willing to pay it sell it at that price. Yes, supporters are important. But look up the word supporter in the dictionary. Better still, if you think you are exploited, look at the shirt you just paid £80 for and look at where it was made.

The average monthly salary for a worker in Cambodia is between £115 and £153. You've been exploited for years, we all have. Christ, players are getting paid millions of pounds a year to kick a ball around.

Football is all about exploitation. I'm at an airport and I just paid £20 for a pint. The Club need to look at absolutely everything they can make a few quid on and make it. We're not in Kansas anymore.


Let nobody tell you I don't like a good protest, banner party or petition. I love them. But I love the right ones. The ones with a little substance. And the idea of protesting or holding up a placard at any minute during the Everton match when we haven't had it this good in two generations is sad.

And I don't think it's something we should be supporting, endorsing or even looking at doing.

You don't protest when things are going well. You protest when things are not going well.

I appreciate the price for the ticket is expensive but it's a two way street. We can't demand the manager is sacked and the manager is sacked one day but then when the Club ask us to pay for a ticket say it's too high. 

We're in it or we're not. Don't pay the money, then protest for paying the money. You've been exploited for years. 


And there are other things. But I've been in this airport for a couple of hours and I'm three pints in. So I'm just going to say that we need three points on Saturday. We've had a nice break, things are good. But this is business and we must take every inch because every inch is important. 

And that means we must take three points from teams where three points are expected and if you look at Everton right now, this should be seen as an expected three points.

In closing

I'm fairly sure there was something else I wanted to write about but I'm now at the place where I need to publish this post. And it turns out I'm drinking 0.75l beers, so that's actually why they cost £20. Back in a couple of days with match facts and some sober thoughts.