Big match coming up

So, it's a week tomorrow and we find out if we're playing Premier League football next season or not. It's going to be a nervous day and one sadly that I'm not going to make. But I have called an all hands meeting at 4pm (3pm in UK) for two hours. So despite having to not be there, I will be streaming the match on a big screen and I will be in the chair.

And you don't need me to tell you it's a big game because they don't get much bigger than this and for many players this is as big as it's going to get.

But I should also write something about the second leg, because I haven't posted since then and despite the result after extra time, on balance it does seem fitting that we are in the final and they're not. I don't think you'll find many that would say otherwise.

So that makes the final a fair one. And hands up, I'm happier we're playing Derby. Leeds were one of the sides this season that I think knew how to play against us. Derby are one of those sides that didn't. That isn't to say they wont figure it out in time, but man for man, I think we're got more about us.

But more on that this week. This is just a post as I found ten minutes to write it. There will be a couple of posts this week and for those of you in northern Sweden that can't get to the game, hook me up. I'll have a spare seat for you.
