Transfer window open, quality and experience please Mr Lambert and three points at the worst side in the league

When Aston Villa don't win, there is a silent majority that wont say anything but they'll listen to people and wait until they think they've got the upper hand and then they'll throw it in your face. That upper hand is anything these days, judging by the performance yesterday.

And it winds me up. I'm one of the vocal minority that isn't calling for Paul Lambert to be sacked, but I can see clear as day that the football is awful and we were fortunate to win yesterday. Yet, the silent majority chime up and it's as if everything is okay.

As things stand, we might be the fourth worst side in the Premier League and with Cardiff getting Ole Gunnar Solskjaer as manager there is a chance we might become the third worst side unless the manager manages to fix things.

But now, that the transfer window is open and it appears that Paul Lambert has finally figured out that he needs some experience in the side. I hope that also means quality and I'm highlighting that, as it usually takes him a while to catch up and the window is only open for a month.

But one or two players are not the answer to our problems. Our football is a big problem and it needs to be fixed. We're playing like a Championship side at the moment and I suspect that's because we have a manager more accustomed to football in the lower leagues.

He has to learn quicker and he also has to stop staying stupid things.

I thought we could have been more comfortable winners – we should at least have had three or four with the chances we had. We knew it was always going to be tough coming up to Sunderland because of their position in the table. But I think getting a draw against Swansea City in our previous game give us a platform, and then having Christian Benteke and Ron Vlaar back for this game was a big help to us.

Paul Lambert

We had some chances yes and despite the possession more than Sunderland, but for every five on target we usually get one, so yesterday was about right. But we won yesterday because Sunderland were poor, not because we were great or because Vlaar or Benteke were back.

And 18 months into the job, it shouldn't be about individual players when upwards of £50mn has been spent, it should be about the team and the football.

But that isn't taking anything away from Benteke or Vlaar or the team performance but Sunderland are bottom of the Premier League and for a team with 65% of the ball, they had one shot on target. We won because they really are the worst side I've seen this season.

But all that aside, the transfer window is open. Let the fun begin.