I do like Sunday, you know that. It's the whole day I like and today is going to be one of those days. I've woken with a clear head, made bacon and egg with a slice of fried bread for breakfast.
I've had my coffee, I've just put up the next three poll questions for the ideal team and after I've written this, I'm off outside to put a {rokbox title=|Concrete BBQ Ring :: Not the exact one, but the same| size=|787 394| text=|huge concrete ring|}http://www.dugdale.se/images/concrete-ring.jpg{/rokbox} at the end of the garden so we have the base for a grill capable of BBQing 150 sausages, if I ever needed to BBQ 150 sausages.
So, before I do that, I have to read the papers, do a quick scan of the club site and look for a bit of news. I haven't found anything that is going to get you excited or interested, so I'm going to cut this short.
Instead, today, you have three questions to answer. Stan the Man got picked as the first holding midfielder for the preferred formation and now you have to pick his partner. You also have to pick the position for left and right side of the three in the 4-2-3-1. Gabby got the lone striker vote and I can't say I was that surprised he picked up nearly 70% of the votes.
Now, you don't have to be a genius to figure out who has had the votes so far and the information is available for those that want to go look for it, but there are few surprises - hopefully by tomorrow we will have every position covered and by default, we will also have the bench sorted as that will be the players that didn't make it but got the most votes coming in second.
So, apologies for the lack of news, but that is not my fault but we do have Burnley next week, which does mean that next week will be a little more interesting.