Steve Bruce sacked, apparently

Sky are reporting it and well, as I've written the past couple of posts, I'd not be surprised. Is it right or wrong, there is no definitive answer but there are opinions.

And I should write more and I'm going to, but this will probably not mean much other than we have a new manager, pretty much at exactly as we are supposed to and by that I mean that we never give a manager enough time and supporters always assume things will happen faster than they do.

So for the rest of this post I'm going to assume he has been sacked. Because it was coming.

And now I'm going to say thank you to Mr Bruce. He fixed things and he got us on a steady footing. He didn't relegate us and we were just above the relegation zone of the Championship when he took over. So he shouldn't be blame for where we are and it could be easily argued, like I've just done, that he should be thanked.

A relegated side isn't in a good place and if anyone is going to blame him for anything, it's not getting us promoted in his first full season. But that isn't something that should be personal. Don't want to thank him, there is no need to abuse him.

So, as I'm assuming it's true, it comes down to who is the next manager and for me, this has to be a big appointment and I'm looking to the owners and their wealth to make me believe they're going to go out and get the right man, not someone that has tried and not succeeded, but someone that is proven. And that doesn't mean someone that is doing well.

I'm going out to get a beer and wait for confirmation.