Rumours that Aston Villa is for sale

There are so many ways this could have been written that I thought it best to not use this situation as a means to have a little pop. And it's also worth pointing out that it's a story in one of the tabloids, but if the tabloids are to be believed, our illustrious owner is trying to sell the Club.

Now, if this story is true, nobody can be surprised. He's lied from day one and to be too blunt, he's a bit of a charlatan.

But all that written, it is just a rumour. He may very well be a fan and he may very well be a billionaire and he may very well be knowledgeable about football. He may be all of these things.

He may be about to announce a global partnership deal with Recon TV as a workaround to this FFP deal. I mean, all this money he's paid to have Recon around Villa Park and on the shirts I'd have thought was enough, but clearly not. And that's not me suggesting he hasn't paid for that, that's just another rumour.

But you know what, he had a punt. If I had access to a £70mn line of credit, I'd have done it too. I mean, a Club of our stature going down, you'd have put money on us coming back up at the first time of asking.

And even though there were more rumours that the deal was going to fall through before it was confirmed, he got it over the line. He failed and he doesn't know what to do next and his line of credit is drying up, so now we need some football people to come in and fix things.

And the truth is that every potential new owner is a gamble now. And I think it's fair to say also that we're not going to get an Aston Villa supporter or someone with the Club at heart. Those days are probably long gone. We've just got to accept that Aston Villa is now an opportunity and that whoever gets it next is going to say the same things that the current owner has said.

It's now about getting supporters to believe and spend money. Now more than ever, if there is a new owner, it's about keeping Steve Bruce at the Club. You can't expect much from the third season in the Championship.