First things first, with the news that Martin O'Neill resigned, we forgot to mention that Nick Shorey has joined West Brom. We know little else about the deal other than it was likely the last thing Martin O'Neill had any involvement with at the club.
In other news, or speculation, Sky Sports are reporting that Stephen Ireland is holding talks with us over a move. Now, this is strange - a day after the manager resigns, reports start to surface that we are about to bring a player in.
Are the club in a position to tell the player who is coming in to replace the manager? If so, it would suggest that Lerner could have this planned all along. But, this is just speculation.
Curtis Davies
Curtis Davies, not long left on his contract, will be hoping for some regular football and he has as good as confirmed today that O'Neill had lost the dressing room.
I was shocked at Martin O'Neill going. I didn't see it coming to be honest but a lot of players have been frustrated by not having a fair crack of the whip and I'm one of them.
There is no guarantee whoever comes in is going to play you or not play you. But if you feel you have got a chance, then you are happy. As long as someone who comes is fair, I am sure people will be happy. I felt I didn't have a chance.
New club site
Last bit of news today is that the club have announced that they will be launching a new website tomorrow morning. I'm quite looking forward to this and judging by the screen shots they have released, I think it might be quite good.
I'm hoping for big change, but I suspect they will be staying with the same people that have managed it for a while now, although that is only a hunch. We will find out in a few hours.
Talking websites - we have a new design coming this week also and a mobile version. The aim is before Saturday, but you know how things go, it might be Saturday.