The new home kit will be launched today and fingers crossed, you'll be able to buy it, sometime before October. I'm told the shirt is claret and blue and has that same checked pattern to it that the away shirt has.
It also has 32 Red on the front and looks like, well, most other Aston Villa shirts you've got piling up in your cupboard. It is hard to get it wrong, although I've got to tell you, they have done their best this time.
This is only my opinion now, but I don't like the checked design the away shirt has and looking at the picture below, that has just arrived in my email inbox, I can say I don't think I like the checked design on the home shirt too.
New Aston Villa shirt

I know the money is needed to pay the interest on loans we have at the club now, but wouldn't it be nice, seeing as all the shirts are pretty much the same these days, if we could keep one for more than a season.
I know it is an old fashioned view - but why not? It would also be nice if you could order the shirt without the sponsors logo and sorry to Genting, it isn't 32 Red this season.
At the end of the day
It is a shirt. It has no impact on the performances and even if it was the most hideous thing we have ever seen there would still be some saying they'd wear it because it is the Villa shirt and if it was the most hideous shirt we have ever seen, they'd be forgiven for it and it would be soon forgotten.