Exclusive: Lambert new manager of Aston Villa

So, it's done. It isn't really news, it was a process of elimination and yesterday it was smelling and tasting like Paul Lambert, but it is now confirmed and we all know he is so much better than the pile we got lumbered with last year.

In his first season as a Premier League manager he had just over a 50% better win rate than the fool that was appointed last year and not only do I think he will be able to do that at Aston Villa, I think he'll do better, given time.

Will there be a target to finish in a European place?

But if all he does is transfer that 50% in the first season, everyone will be happy. The first season for this manager, even though he gets a full pre-season, is one where he gets to know the players he has and he gets them to start playing football his way.

With the muppet we had last season, it was clear from day one because he was a muppet and we knew what would happen but this manager has had one season in the top flight and he finished a respectable twelfth (only missing out on 10th by goal difference), so it is, to some extent, the unknown.

Paul Lambert, the new Aston Villa manager

Unknown what?

We can't really look to what he achieved with Norwich, Colchester or Wycombe because this is a different league and while his first season was good, a lot of managers come up from the Championship for the first time and have a good first season.

What I'm getting at is this; he needs time. And I know it is easy to say he will get it today, there are people seemingly over the moon about the appointment, but he must get it, even if he was appointed by the same people that appointed the last muppet.

Time is necessary because we simply do not know what could come from this manager. He is an unknown quantity (much like Rodgers is at Liverpool) that could have a horrible start, but finish strong or for that matter, a great start and finish stronger, or even a great start and finish poorly. My point is, his first season is one that he is going to learn from too and he'll make mistakes along the way just like everyone does.

Time is on his side as is the secret plan

So, I will leave soon, but I just want to point out that he is only 42 years old and as long as he continues to follow the secret plan; bringing through our players, peppering the first team with a real quality addition or two every season, instills a winning mentality and removes the fear of loss, then he has many years to get it right.

But patience is the greatest of all virtues and getting the football right is going to be harder. It is about keeping the ball, not just hitting it in hope and movement. If he can get that right, then we certainly have players in the team and coming through that will benefit.

But before I go, yes, the title is a joke.