Competition time and here comes the season

We're doing loads of competitions this season, here and on Twitter. It's essentially a competition a match sponsored by the legend that is Luke from Luke 1977 and the first one, to win two terrace tickets to the Newcastle match on August 21st, starts today at the bottom of this post,

But before we get to that, we're not going to talk about Jack, but we are going to talk about my optimism because at the moment it's sky high and I don't think I'm the only one. I think there is a lot of positivity around Aston Villa at the moment.

There are a few reasons for this. First for me is that it feels more like a team than it has for a while. That we've got three games I think we can win in August also helps and this isn't me saying I think we've got a chance of winning the League, I don't think it's 1983 again, but I do feel positive about the direction we are heading and the people involved.

By this, I do mean the ownership and that it takes time and it's about making forward progress and they know this. They also know that the higher up the table you get, the more it costs. Right now, we're making a move for top eight but there is the opportunity for higher and based on what we've spent, that feels right and good.

And because our progress is tracked by seasons, it's about finishing better than the season before. We've done that every season under Dean Smith and that feels good too. It really does. Are you sensing a theme to this post?

I'm predicting seventh because if Spurs can finish seventh, I think we can and it was only seven points difference between us and Spurs last season. I think, with new players and the players we want to keep from last season getting better, we've got those seven points and possibly even more in us. I'm saying seventh, because I think it would be a fantastic achievement, but also close to something spectacular.

Am I wrong? We are settled right and things do feel good. Tell me I'm not alone in thinking this. And yes, there will be a slightly more in depth preview of the match on Saturday morning. And there might even be a London meetup this season. Some of you will remember we did one a few years ago .. I'm thinking of doing another one, anyone up for it?

Competition time

So, thanks to Luke again, we have a competition. Click here and submit your guess. I'll draw the winner on Sunday evening or maybe even Monday morning. It all depends on how busy things get. I think you all know what that means.