Chelsea leave Aston Villa with a point they will be happy with

We didn't get the three points, but we won that game, if you know what I mean. We were the better side and sure, Chelsea fans can argue they didn't play their best side, but neither did we and no doubt the London biased media will suggest we put ten men behind the ball and played with one striker, but so did Chelsea in that case.

Out went Heskey (injured) and in came Carew, out went Luke Young and in came Habib Beye and no room for Marc Albrighton either, but he was ill, so in came Stephen Ireland to play with Reo-Coker and Petrov in the middle. All had a good game.

Man for man, Aston Villa were the better side

In fact, the whole team played well, including Ciaran Clark, who replaced Richard Dunne very early on in the first half and we even came closer than Chelsea to winning the game, but we also had more of the possession today, more corners and like I've said, looked the better side.

There is no one reason why we looked better, but we are trying to play football. Gone is the long ball game and in has come a more composed passing game.

In fact, if you read what the manager has said to the right of this page - that sums it all up perfectly.

Please vote for your man of the match, it was awarded to Petrov at the ground, but I'm giving my vote to Nigel Reo-Coker - another solid game and another demonstration as to why he should be playing every week.

But what happened to Carlos Cuellar today; that is a question I'd like to ask someone but before I do, I'm going to go away and have a think. Match report tomorrow or Monday.