Lee Mason 3 Aston Villa 3: Much better all round performance today

That was a much better all round performance and a much better result - a point at Chelsea would be considered a good result by most, if not all teams, in this League and when you factor in the referee seemed to be playing for them today, I think it was a great result.

Now, you could argue that after the referee gave a yellow card for pretty much every foul made by an Aston Villa player in the first half that the game was destined to go only one way, but at 1-1 at half time, things were looking okay. When we came out and scored so early in the second half, I thought we could hold on and we actually did better.

You see, we held on, but Chelsea managed to get an equaliser then they managed to get a third, mostly down to some sloppy play from Albrighton on the right left. I know 'Albrighton on the right left' doesn't sound right, but that is the way this manager wants to play it and that is what happened.

But with seconds to go, Albrighton made up for it, when his cross, from the right, found the head of left back Ciaran CLark who only had to head in past Cech and it levelled things up. Not only did we hold on, but we fought back.

Webcam got the first after Reo-Coker was brought down in the box and he converted the penalty. Heskey got the second, with his head just after the break and you know about the third. All round - a very good performance - a much better performance.

Where has the fight come from

You read that right - we fought back. We fought for all 95 minutes today and I put that down to Webcam but it is probably down to something that went on at Bodymoor this week and it is a good sign.

With the transfer window now open and rumblings from Villa Park that signings might be made this week, it all points to something positive. I'm positive today, in fact, I'm very happy and I think every Aston Villa should be too.

Man of the match

Post-mortem tomorrow, but for now, please vote for your man of the match. I'm going for Webcam and it was a close second for Heskey, but Clark has now put his name there but I should also say that Big Brad made a couple of fine saves to keep us in the game, so does deserve a mention.