Aston Villa lose to Leicester, Clark gets sent off and it's Liverpool next

I got it wrong and I'm surprised. Although not deep down. Leicester wanted it more and we do look lifeless in the final third. But I do still believe the possession game is the right way and that things don't happen overnight. I think we're two players short and I think Tom Fox has to do what he has to do to get those players in otherwise the natives are going to turn.

And many of them have. The away support today we're singing 'you don't know what you're doing' at times as well as other not very nice songs towards the manager and owner. When the away support turn it's never good.

But we had most of the ball and despite conceding a goal looked solid defensively. Guzan made a couple of fine saves and Okore and Clark are staking a claim to be the preferred partnership. And I write that even if Vlaar were to sign a new contract now. In fact, I'd not offer Vlaar a contract as I think Clark and Okore are that good together.

But Clark got himself sent off today with two yellow cards, so he'll miss Liverpool if I'm not mistaken. It will mean Baker takes his place and you know what I've no problem with that as I'm a fan of Baker too. But it's Liverpool and it's going to be tough, unless we can make those two signings we need very early next week.

We need the players, because in the final third we look lost. We don't have the players making the runs and we have little width. I put Benteke in this bracket too, but he isn't to blame because by the time we've got the ball into the final third, he's surrounded. We have to be quicker and to do that we need smarter players. We need a young Joe Cole out wide and we need a Paul Merson in the middle.

Sacking Paul Lambert

And there are going to be a lot of you below calling for Lambert to be sacked. I know this because it's all over Facebook and Twitter, but unless the club have been working on a replacement for the last few days, I'm not convinced now is the right time. If it's not going to happen, they need to support him.

You'll think it mad me saying that but had the owner gone into the season thinking the same way I had; giving him to October, then this would have been dealt with already. But he clearly didn't because he gave him a new contract. And that suggests he's going to stay until the end of the season. If that's the case, he's got to be supported with the right two players now.

He's got to do a Doug Ellis and appease supporters. The money needs to be spent and very soon.