You can try to read into this however you want, but from kick off, it wasn't to be our day. They scored after 16 seconds with what will probably win goal of the month, if this League has such a thing. Not long after we lost John Terry and while we were dealing with that, we conceded another goal.
And then it was a different game than any expected.
But the one thing that surprised me when the team came out, was the change in formation. Why, when Davis did so well the other night and the team played so well as a team, did we think it a good idea to change formation?
For me, the formation and way of playing is more important than the players because if you have a way that you play and you practise that and play that way week win week out, it's so much easier to change a player or three into that team, because they're going to have trained in that position and with that purpose.
When you change it, you change everything, not just a player, but how everyone else had played previously and you lose continuity. We didn't lose yesterday because we changed formation. We lose yesterday because they scored a great and very fortunate goal and because we lost our two best players from this season so far in the first half.
But the cynic in me could argue that because we were playing a different formation with players in different positions, it didn't help. But I wont.
Look, we're 16 games in and the season is just getting started. There is plenty of time to go and we're in a very good place. Some muppets were calling for the manager to be sacked a few weeks ago and had that happened, we'd possibly be where the Clowns are now, so thank your lucky stars that Howard isn't able to make decisions.
It's not nice to lose, but you can't win every game and even if we were in the Premier League, we are not going to win it. At least in this League we are up near the top and we're winning. It isn't going to change in the Premier League. I think this is quite fun. And on that ...
The chart