Aston Villa beat Blackburn and we are going to Wemberlee

If you didn't already know, on Febraury 28th 2010, Aston Villa will be playing at Wembley in the League Cup final after beating Blackburn 6-4 at Villa Park tonight.

I am going to keep this short, mostly because I want to have a beer and I want to not worry about the site and for that I apologise but I will be back every few minutes but it does mean that comments might take a little longer to get approved, although I have got a pre-approval thing going for some comments and it seems to be working okay.


There is also a Wemberlee wallpaper coming out tomorrow. I just thought I'd get it going with this and you can download an entry level, very basic version of the wallpaper here.

Also, just for the record, we dropped to seventh tonight and Arsenal went top. But that doesn't matter right now. We are going to Wemberlee!