Aston Villa 2 QPR 2: The result is the result, but we should have won

Am I happy with the result, no. Am I happy with the overall performance, no. I am however happy with the 2nd half and last ten minutes of the first.

But the result is the result and despite a lot more about us in the second, we still conceded two goals, even if one was a candidate for own goal of the season.

But you know what, QPR will be happier with the result. We could have had three penalties and we scored for them and the second half we could have scored two more.

But, the result is the result and we failed to win at home against a promoted side. I know that is a hard pill to swallow after that second half, but it isn't about one half of football.

The truth is, we were unlucky not to beat a promoted side who could have been sitting in the relegation zone tonight, had we won.

Some nice things

It was nice to see Barry Bannan get more than 10 minutes and to see what he really can do. It was also nice, that in the second half we really had a go at them and it sort of proves that we can.

And I've come up with a theory as to why Bannan doesn't play and it is based on my theory that the manager goes out to not lose.

You see, if you don't want to lose, you play bigger players that can break up the play, not Bannan who is trying to create play. If this manager went out to win games, Bannan would play more. It is the Alex McLeish way.

It was also nice to see Charles N'Zogbia get on the scoresheet and Darren Bent score his 100th Premier League goal. Hopefully that will spur them both on.

Man of the Match

So, please vote for your man of the match. You know what to do and on that, good night from me.