Aston Villa v Wigan: Live text, banter, team news, man of the match and Liverpool want Milner

Morning all. We have made it. The long boring summer is now over and we have football again. I for one feel revitalised today, not just because of Aston Villa, although that is the icing on the cake, but because football is back and I can start to get back to normality, is that a word?

My day started with a coffee and a bacon sandwich, I have 5live on, I've read the rumours online and I've just put on one of my older Aston Villa shirts, the yellow one with the round badge, back when we were sponsored by Mita copiers. I now feel ready.

So, it is just under seven hours to go, I'm going to go online and have my bets in a minute and for the record I've done a tenner on us, Bolton, Blackburn, Stoke and West Ham which would pay over £600 and a tenner on us again, Arsenal, Fulham, Manchester City and Chelsea which pays just over £200.


I'm sure some will get dumped below but for now, this is the one you want if you can't get it on TV or you are not at the ground.

Team News

Aston Villa

1 - Brad Friedel

23 - Habib Beye

24 - Carlos Cuellar

15 - Curtis Davies

21 - Nicky Shorey

8 - James Milner

16 - Fabian Delph

19 - Stiliyan Petrov

7 - Ashley Young

11 - Gabriel Agbonlahor

18 - Emile Heskey


12 - Marc Albrighton

47 - Ciaran Clark

22 - Bradley Guzan

26 - Craig Gardner

4 - Steve Sidwell

10 - Nathan Delfouneso

20 - Nigel Reo-Coker


1 - Chris Kirkland

25 - Mario Melchiot

19 - Titus Bramble

7 - Paul Scharner

31 - Maynor Figueroa

11 - Michael Brown

6 - Hendry Thomas

14 - Charles N'Zogbia

15 - Jordi Gomez

10 - Jason Koumas

20 - Hugo Rodallega


16 - Scott Sinclair

30 - Marlon King

9 - Jason Scotland

12 - Michael Pollitt

3 - Erik Edman

17 - Emmerson Boyce

5 - Won-Hee Cho

Fantasy Football

Some time this morning I'm going to lock off the league, so if you are not in you are not going to get in. Hurry.

Saturday Speculation

The Sun are reporting this morning that the Fat Spanish Waiter has made 'a cheeky enquiry about' James Milner. I don't blame him for asking, but I think we know he's going to get nothing.