Red Roy wants Ashley Young and more Sunday speculation

I love Sunday speculation. I love it because so much of it is made up, it is laughable. However, sometimes you come across something that could actually be true, that makes sense. Then you ask yourself, if it was, what you think about it.

You ask yourself that because you care. I care and because I do, I've asked myself this morning if I'd be that bothered if Webcam went to Liverpool and my first reaction was no, not if they offered enough money for him. Is that wrong of me?

It is only speculation and it is in the Daily Mail. You can read the full story here, but I am taking a bit out which sort of supports why I had my initial thoughts on it.

The winger, who celebrates his 25th birthday on Friday, made a big early impact at Villa following a £10million move from Watford in 2007. But inconsistency last season meant he missed out on going to the World Cup with England.

I don't know if it is because it is too early on a Sunday, but I don't remember a game last season where Webcam was the clear man of the match. I remember him running a lot and I remember free kicks going long and wide and crosses not getting to our man and I remember asking on several occasions if this was something he practised in training.

I do fondly remember the game at Everton where he won it for us in the last seconds and I remember that cross last season that went long and turned into a goal.

Then I start remembering why I like Webcam and why I do believe he can get better and then, after my initial reaction about the amount of money I start to think that actually, no, I'd like Webcam to stay and Red Roy can do one.

I'd like Webcam to stay and this is only a rumour so it probably means nothing, but someone left a comment the other day suggesting that Milner loves it at Villa and only wants to leave because he thinks he has gone as far as he can under O'Neill. My point is, it all comes down to the player these days.

If Webcam sees a future for himself at Aston Villa - then great - he will want to stay. If he doesn't or his head is turned by more money and a bigger club - he will go and if a player really wants to leave, for whatever reason, then they should be allowed to go, if convincing them to stay doesn't work.

Aspects of his game need to be worked on, but aspects of how Aston Villa play also need to be worked on and if those things don't improve - for whatever reasons, then fine, if someone comes in, he can't be blamed for wanting to go, but he and Milner need to give it more time, another season or two, just to see if it does happen at Aston Villa, under O'Neill or someone else.

Randy Lerner can not be blamed for not getting it right first time and he will have learnt a lot if it doesn't happen first time and the chances are he will do better second time around.

More Sunday Speculation

Manchester City are going to turn their attention to Everton midfielder Mikel Arteta as an alternative to James Milner. This would suggest, if true, that the £20mn they offered was a first and final offer, which sort of doesn't feel right and if my name was Martin O'Neill, I'd be expecting another bid any day now, if it hasn't happened already.

Also, West Ham might be interested in Steve Sidwell and he would reject Fulham if it came in. Sidwell has never had a settled run in our team and when he does get one, where ever that may be, he'll come good. Not world-class good, but he will come good.