A pair of Spurs for Martin O'Neill: Huddlestone or Jenas and Bentley in talks

It's all a bit Tottenham and Villa at the moment and depending on what paper you read it sort of varies on what story you are going to believe but one thing we sort of have to take as confirmed, because the player is telling us, we are in talks with David Bentley.

Another story is that Spurs are willing to offer us Jenas and Bentley for Ashley Young and somewhere else tells us we have made offers for Tom Huddlestone and Bentley. I'm not sure what one's to believe but one thing I do know is I'd like Bentley.

I've always wanted Bentley and if we can get him for a lot less than he left Blackburn for last summer, it will all be good. He has a fantastic cross and given the ball, he will get them into the box. He is still only 24 years old and can get better and if there was a manager you would fancy can get the best out of him, it would be O'Neill, as Bentley has the natural talent.

David Bentley, June 15th 2009
I’m in talks with Villa at the moment. I really don’t want to say much more. But we’ll see what happens. I’m hopeful of sorting it out as soon as possible.

The other rumour is that Harry Redknapp has offered us Jenas and Bentley for Ashley Young and while I don't blame them for wanting Ashley, I think I'd be surprised if Ashley wanted to go as it isn't the step up which the next step in his career should be. I mean no disrespect to Spurs but they are on a par with us at the moment as in the best they can hope for next season is a Europa LDV League finish.

The next step for Young is a step up and he isn't going to get that with Spurs and he also doesn't want to get a reputation as a journey man who can't settle. He can't say it hasn't gone well for him and he just has to see this through with a bit of focus and determination. There is no reason for him to look elsewhere yet as everything he would have hoped for has happened.

But to Tom Huddlestone. I've seen him play a few times and you know what, he reminds me of Barry a little but, with a fairly decent shot. I've not seen him enough but he does have a good foot and can spray a pass round the pitch, which was one thing that Barry always could do, but there is something else, I just can't put my finger on it just yet.

Now to Jenas. I'm really not sure about Jenas and I'm not sure if he is the type of player we want or actually need. Don't we already have a Jeans type player in Nigel Reo-Coker? I'm not saying they are the exact same, but they have similar attributes, or they are supposed to, in so much that they are supposed to be who it all goes through and I'm not convinced that that will happen with Jenas.

But it is worth noting that Bentley could well be on his way and while he will be a season late, remember he did have a bid in for him prior to signing James Milner, it will be, I hope, worth the wait.

So, they are the big three rumours of the day and well, Bentley should be nailed on, the other two, I'm not convinced about, but I'm starting to think I'd like Huddlestone as he would have a resale value if it didn't work out and he is going to want to prove himself.