Aston Villa v Wolves: Prediction, odds, preview and a stat

Regular visitors will know I like football at 3pm on a Saturday. They'll also know that I quite like Monday night football too. I'm not actually a huge fan of football on a Sunday but I do actually quite like the early kick off on a Saturday - it means business is done and it feels more like a weekend is supposed ... I imagine.

So, I'm looking forward to the match tomorrow and because it is Wolves, just a little bit more. Three points tomorrow afternoon will mean we go top of the League and while it might not be for long, three points against a local side is nice and, I do expect it.

Here I go again, expecting three points. But it is only Wolves and all things considered, if it doesn't happen, some will be very surprised. Including the bookmakers and they get it right more often than wrong. We are stronger in every department but the one that comes into play tomorrow is the one that is determined by the manager.

Early player news

Hesksy, Gabby and Young picked up knocks last time out but I'm not sure how serious any were. On the upside, we have Lichaj, The Fonz and Weimann that might think they are due an opportunity to start, but don't expect it. Don't be surprised if one makes it, but all three would be too much to ask or hope for.

A stat

Did you know, the last team to beat us at Villa Park in the league, was Wolves. That happened in March. It wasn't a nice match. It was the match with the banner, chants of 'you don't know what you're doing' and a miserable performance. I remember the day well. It won't happen tomorrow.

One thing this manager appears to have done, is create a unity. There doesn't appear to be any infighting and all things look as if they are on an even keel. It is a starting point and Houllier didn't get to that stage, so in that regard, this manager is already ahead of the last manager.


This has three points written all over if for us and I'm having some of it. I had it in the week and I'm piling it all back on us to win tomorrow. I like Mad Mick, but they stayed up last season because of the three points they picked up against us in March and while they've started well and they often do, I just can't see them doing it against us, especially when you look at who they have played in the previous two games (the same as us).

I wouldn't go so far to say it is the bet of the day, I'd say Chelsea were, but we are in second place. Your predictions below please.

Odds v Wolves